Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Finding My Health With 7 Steps...

As 2015 approaches, the promise of a brand new year is upon us once again. I have had twenty five new years and this one coming up is the most exciting yet.
2014 was easily the hardest year of my life. Coming out on the other side i am thankful for all that i have learned, i am stronger, healthier, more self aware, and am truly discovering who i am.

January 1st is just another day, technically, but many view it as a fresh start and a clean slate. We all make resolutions with the hope that establishing those changes will make us stronger, happier, and more successful. One of the most popular and cliche goals that we make is to become a healthier person.
If this is on your list for 2015, i hope this blog meets you where you are at.

Society has placed 'being healthy' into a tiny box. The only way you can obtain the 'healthy' label is if you are thin, workout 5-6 times a week, weigh your piece of chicken to make sure its the appropriate ounce, eat your kale, count your calories more than you count your blessings, say no to chocolate cake, and of course do a monthly juice cleanse. (sighs and takes deep breathe.)

Obviously being active and making wise fuel (food) decisions will play a part in your over all well being, But I believe those are just part of a much bigger picture. I want to focus on the other pieces of the puzzle.

 This year has been a journey of health and healing for me psychically, mentally, and spiritually. If you would have asked me a year and a half ago, i would have told you i was in the best shape of my life. Yes, I matched societies definition of a healthy lifestyle. I cut out breads and pastas, said no to the chocolate cake, ran six miles a day, and even ordered the skinny vanilla latte from Starbucks instead of the cookie crumble frapp. But I was also underweight, constantly starving, overexercising, and obsessing over nutrition labels. I didn't enjoy life, i lost my joy and zeal, and i had no peace of mind. In fact i was in the worst shape of my life.

I wont be renewing my subscription to this magazine. Im doing health MY way, by my rules!

Weight loss commercials and fitness magazines promise that once you are fit, you will love yourself, you will be happy, enter a hopping new career because of your sudden surge of self confidence, and land a hot date because you are now beautiful or buff. (By the way you can attain all of that without weightloss). Let me promise you from experience that just because you lose weight or become fit, a magical fairy creature does not come and sprinkle 'love yourself and peace of mind' sparkly dust over your head. Being at peace, having joy, and loving yourself doesn't start from the outside and work its way in, its starts on the Inside and works its way out.

How is Health Defined in the Dictionary?
Webster says its "the condition of being sound in body, mind, and spirit".

Webster knows what hes talking about. Being healthy is connecting the dots from spirit, to mind, to the body. Its a balance!

Being healthy looks different for EVERY person, we all have different tastes, interests, stresses, hobbies, and daily routines.

Here are a few practices i have incorporated into my life this year that iv learned through life experiences, therapy, and listening to lots of podcast that have helped me:

Part of being healthy is having gratitude. Gratitude brings joy. Cliché..right? Seriously though! Its looking around at your kids, your best friend, your boyfriend and just feeling content and thankful to have them in your life. Its taking a walk at the park and stopping to notice newly bloomed flowers, hearing the birds sing, all the things that happen around us everyday that we don't take time to notice. I have a notebook where i jot down one or two things that im thankful for each day.Being thankful takes you out of the negative and into the positive.

Take a walk without zoning out :) its my new favorite thing

I have striven this year like never before to find my identity and truth in Word and Prayer. Prayer is simply a conversation with God. Sometimes i find myself while praying trying to say all the right words and be super spiritual with christian lingo, but then i remember i don't have to try to be perfect, i just need to be real. Taking time to be with God and meditating on his word will help give you peace of mind, give you a source of comfort during the day, and help you love others.

We have over 10,000 random thoughts during the day. Some are good, some are self deprecating  and negative. Recycling my negative thoughts into positive ones has been one of my biggest practices this year. Most of us have two voices that converse back and forth in our head.The negative lying pessimist and the truthful positive optimist. I find myself responding to my mistakes or opinions of myself with the negative lying voice. For example if i make a mistake at work my first thought might be to say 'Im so stupid, i cant do anything right', but the true response would be 'I messed up, its okay, im only human and im not perfect'. Learning to give yourself compassion and grace is incredibly important to your health. You deserve it. Learn to challenge those lies and negative thoughts and reframe them with the truth.

When i was feeling my lowest at the beginning of this year i neglected doing the things that made me happy, But i slowly found them again and even discovered new activities like drawing and art that i had never done before.What makes you happy? Hiking, painting, discussing your week over coffee with your best friend at Starbucks, reading a book, petting your cat, yoga, zumba, running. Figure out what makes YOU happy and dedicate time to it. Everyone has 'their' thing. If you've forgot what your interests are, make it a point to find them again.

Watching my cat do cat things makes me happy. Oh and running, i love running.

Plan out at least two vacations this year, Whether its going to San Francisco or Ireland, Theres nothing more refreshing than getting away from your ordinary and experiencing new surroundings, people, food, and scenery. Its good for the mind and soul. Travelling is a beautiful humbling reminder that our home is huge and diverse, and its all outside of your town line. I highly recommend San Fran and Lake Tahoe btw :)

San Francisco                            Lake Tahoe

Dont do it! Dont compare your outtakes to someones highlight reel. You have a unique gift to bring to the table, don't waste it, do not sell yourself short!!!

Life is full of Trial and Error, We make mistakes, We are human. Forgive yourself for the people you might have let down, for the time you feel you have lost, for what you did twenty years ago, for taking the wrong turn, for giving up.We constantly hear the message to forgive others, but we have to remember to forgive ourselves. We are doing the best we can with what we have. Dont walk into another day holding a grudge against yourself. 


Truth is we dont need a new year or a new day to have a clean slate or a fresh start. 
Life is short so why not take advantage of every hour, minute, and moment. 
Remember life is Trial and Error. Live by your own rules. 
Forgive yourself daily, Love hard, Laugh as much as you can, Exercise, Eat the chocolate cake, and by golly have an Amazing New Year!!!!!